6 FREE Resources Every Millennial Needs to be Productive in 2020

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From work to social to personal matters, us millennials have inundated our schedules with way more than enough to-do's. For a little piece of mind, here are our top free resources to help millennials stay productive, healthy and happy.

1. Email Cleanup - Unroll.me

Does opening your cluttered inbox every time stress you out? Clean that mess up with Unroll.me –you can thank me later.

2. Mental Clarity / Meditation - Insight Timer App

It's like a brain massage. It'll help loosen out the "kinks" from stress, and leave you feeling like a million bucks.

(Also check out Calming Manatee)

3. Budgeting App - Mint

If you have an office job in a city like NYC, there's a fair chance you're eating out at least once a day. Do you have any idea what that's doing to your finances?!?! Stop complaining about not having funds for Thailand. The money is THERE, you just need to re-structure a bit. Mint will help you budget accordingly and before you know it, you'll be Bangkok bound!

4. Social Media Detox - SelfControl

If you spend over an hour / day browsing your social media, you need to STAHP.. and literally go find some flowers to smell. It's called self-control. It will make you a better person. Trust.

5. Calendar Planning - Google Calendar & Reminders

If you've arrived late at a client meeting or two, or or accidentally blown off that new potential friend you met on bumblebff, you know there's NO excuse in the world that'll save you. It's time to set up as many reminder notifications as possible. Once you get into the habit, you'll fool anyone into thinking you've always been this "type-A".

6. Vision Boards - Pinterest

As visual thinkers, it's important to organize all of these visual inspirations in one place. A classic go-to for creating vision and mood boards is Pinterest.

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