Recommended Resources

It’s a lot. Just ⌘F to find what you need 😅

Social Media



Facebook Ads 


Gather other web data

  • Stylify Me Quickly gain an overview of the style guide of a site (colors, fonts, sizing, etc.)

  • VWO Alternate Web Heatmap tool

Market Research

Questions to ask:

  • Who is my TARGET MARKET? Demographic Q's (Gender, age, household income, region) Behavioral Q's (Is your product an app? Ask about phone use. Is it a pet product? Ask about monthly spend on pets. Is it a coffee product? Ask how much coffee they drink.)

  • Is my product idea in DEMAND? Ask about competing or similar products. Do people use competing products? What don’t they like about them? How long have they used them? Where did they first learn about them? Elevator pitch your product concept and ask for first impressions. 

  • How much are people WILLING TO PAY for my product? Assuming the price was reasonable, how likely would you be to consider buying this product? Answer options include a five-point scale — 1 (not at all likely) to 5 (extremely likely). If not, why not? 1. At what price would you consider the product to be too expensive? 2. At what price would you consider the product to be priced so low that you’d question it’s quality? 3. At what price would you consider the product starting to get expensive, but you’d still consider buying it? 4. At what price would you consider the product to be a bargain — a great buy for the money?


Conference Calls

Project Management

International Help

Curating/Collecting Content

  • Pinterest Create a board of visual content

  • Pocket Save content to read later, organize it into folders, like pinterest for whatever content

  • Feedly Like google reader for blog subscriptions

  • Collect thoughts

Quick Content Creation

Scan Docs (Apps)

Annotate PDFs (App)

Choosing the right app

Presentation Decks

Co-living groups

Co-working spaces


Trade Shows

Marketing & Strategy

Funnel Marketing


Learn things

Funding a project:


Public Relations



For a Catalog & Brochure Quote, Call me at 954-716-7966 (Mark)

4/4 Brochures 5000 for $199 (.05/pc)
8pg Catalogs:  2500 for $749 (.30/book)
8pg Catalogs:  5000 for $1000 (.20/book)

Catalogs • Brochures • Postcards • Design • EDDM
Full Color / Both Sides 
Paper: 8.5x11, 100# Premium Heavy Glossy Paper (Most Popular)




Free Stock Photos

Free icons



Web Design


UX / UI design & Prototyping


Backing up files

SEO, Content Tracking/Monitoring & Understanding Your Audience

Sell tickets on a site (Squarespace, etc)

Product Photography

Image Compression


Code Hacks

Newsletters & Email Marketing


UX Copywriting

Web Development Tools

Open source scripts to help with browser compatibility:

  • Modernizr – In the world of Web standards Modernizr is a cherished asset for any project. It’s a customizable library for cross-browser HTML5/CSS3 support. Use the download page to customize your own features or just grab the whole library from GitHub.

  • Fallback.js – This tiny JavaScript library is meant to control every possible fallback method and library. By centralizing all of your scripts it becomes easier to check which files aren’t working and provide alternate solutions.

  • Selectivizr – Selectivizr is similar to Modernizr but it focuses more on CSS selectors. This JS library emulates CSS pseudo-classes and attribute selectors to improve support for older versions of Internet Explorer.

  • Video.js – HTML5 video has taken the spotlight but Flash video is still a reliable fallback. Video.js makes it easy to embed any video format into an HTML5 player with a Flash fallback for older browsers.

  • IE7.js – Older versions of Internet Explorer put up a tough fight against common web standards. IE7.js forces older browsers like IE6-IE8 to support typical rendering methods like transparent PNGs and RGBa() colors.

  • Detect Mobile Browsers – This isn’t so much a library as a code generator for mobile detection. You’ll find snippets in all languages from ASP to jQuery for detecting a mobile browser. Developers can choose to execute(or not execute) code for mobile users based on these results.

Good Website Examples/References

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